
How to cook basmati rice & jasmine rice? Is it okay to use a rice cooker?

Good evening, Taiyo Market!

One of the questions I often get asked when I'm at a store is,

“How should I cook basmati rice ?”
"What's the best way to cook jasmine rice ?"

That's the question.


"Cook it the same way you would Japanese rice. It will be delicious!"

is the answer.

You might be surprised, but these Asian rices can be cooked just like Japanese rice.

Japanese rice cookers are really excellent!
Basically, the normal amount of water is OK.

However, when adding chicken soup, sake, Chinese soy sauce, etc., reduce the amount of water. It's the same feeling as when making takikomi rice.

How to cook more deliciously, add flavor with spices

Many people like to add cinnamon, bimakru, ka, ginger, etc. when cooking jasmine rice.
When it comes to basmati rice, many people like to add cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, turmeric, etc.

There is no need to adjust the amount of water for spices and herbs that are not related to water.

Even more delicious! Addition of oil

Adding coconut oil or duck oil will enhance the flavor and make it more delicious.
Even when adding oil, you can continue cooking as is.

The more oil you add, the better the cooking will be.
It is OK to cook as is 🙆‍♀️

Other cooking methods will be discussed another time...

Cook basmati rice, jasmine rice, or rice as usual in a Japanese rice cooker. That alone is exquisite! Please enjoy the taste of authentic rice at home.

By the way, immersion in water is not necessary.
(Personally, I think that Japanese rice does not need to be soaked in water either.)