Rice noodles (rice noodles)


¥108 (税込)
¥698 (税込)
37 商品
在庫あり ベストセラー 発売日(新しい順) 価格が安い順 価格が高い順
¥568 (税込)
¥158 (税込)
¥348 (税込)
¥568 (税込)
¥108 (税込)
¥148 (税込)
¥118 (税込)
¥198 (税込)
¥348 (税込)
¥158 (税込)
¥158 (税込)
¥378 (税込)
¥108 (税込)
¥118 (税込)
¥348 (税込)
¥258 (税込)
¥267 (税込)
¥398 (税込)
¥178 (税込)
¥298 (税込)
¥178 (税込)
¥178 (税込)
¥448 (税込)

If you're looking for Asian rice noodles, come to Asia Taiyo Market!

List of Asian rice noodles/rice noodles products. We have a wide selection of rice noodle dishes and dried noodles such as rice noodles and rice pasta. Enjoy authentic Asian noodle dishes.

Rice noodles are a general term for noodles made from rice flour and have a wide range of meanings.
Rice noodles do not necessarily need to be placed in boiling water. Because they are fragile, they are often soaked in hot water (for about 30-40 minutes) before pouring hot soup liquid or soup over them. Perfect for soups and stir-fries.

Types of rice noodles

The most popular rice noodle in all of Vietnam.
The noodle base made from melted non-glutinous rice is placed in a mold and pushed out into a pot of hot water in the same way as a tokoroten.

Its origin is likely to be on the east side of the capital, Hanoi.
It is made by steaming a liquid containing rice flour into a crepe shape and cutting the dough into thin pieces. Pho means noodles.

A thin, white dry rice noodle made from rice flour that is commonly found in southern Vietnam.
While pho and bun are sold as fresh noodles, hu tiu is usually sold as semi-dried noodles, so it has a chewy texture.

Rice noodles <br>A general term for noodles made from indica rice, which originated in China, and made with at least 50% rice flour as the main ingredient.
It has a lower GI value than white rice. (Japan Rice Noodles Association voluntary standards)

*Many other types are also available.

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