Seoul Market Retort Samgyetang Half Pack 1kg
This is ginseng chicken soup containing half a whole chicken.
If you make it yourself, you will need to get a whole chicken and simmer it for a long time, which is very time-consuming (although it's not difficult and it's delicious), but this is a very popular product that you can enjoy at home by simply heating up some samgyetang.
Enjoy the authentic seasoning!
We deliver room temperature, refrigerated and frozen products separately.
Please note that we will ship the same order separately.
This is ginseng chicken soup containing half a whole chicken.
If you make it yourself, you will need to get a whole chicken and simmer it for a long time, which is very time-consuming (although it's not difficult and it's delicious), but this is a very popular product that you can enjoy at home by simply heating up some samgyetang.
Enjoy the authentic seasoning!

Seoul Market Retort Samgyetang Half Pack 1kg
原材料名 | 鶏肉、丸鶏スープ(国内製造)、鶏ガラスープ(鶏がら、発酵調味料、にんにく、もち米(国産)、生姜)(国産製造)、もち米(国産)、 にんにく、乾燥ナツメ、食塩、チキンエキス、ビーフエキス、高麗人参茶/調味料(アミノ酸等)、酸化防止剤(ローズマリー抽出物)、(一部に鶏肉・牛肉を含む) |