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    MTR Navratan Kurma 9 types of vegetables and fruits mild 300g

    ¥468 (税込)
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    A rich, creamy and hearty curry made with vegetables, beans, and nuts, which evolved from the court cuisine of the Mughal Empire.

    MTR's curry is characterized by the use of plenty of fresh spices, such as fenugreek leaves, coriander, and cumin, which will please curry lovers. Since it does not contain lard or beef tallow, it is light and suitable for emergency food. No synthetic preservatives or synthetic seasonings are used.

    Pickup available at 千歳船橋店

    Regarding delivery

    We deliver room temperature, refrigerated and frozen products separately.
    Please note that we will ship the same order separately.

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    A rich, creamy and hearty curry made with vegetables, beans, and nuts, which evolved from the court cuisine of the Mughal Empire.

    MTR's curry is characterized by the use of plenty of fresh spices, such as fenugreek leaves, coriander, and cumin, which will please curry lovers. Since it does not contain lard or beef tallow, it is light and suitable for emergency food. No synthetic preservatives or synthetic seasonings are used.

    MTR Navratan Kurma 9 types of vegetables and fruits mild 300g

    ¥468 (税込)


    原材料名 インゲン豆、人参、カッテージチーズ、トマトペースト、玉ねぎ、にんにくペースト、カブ、カシューナッツ、パインナップル、香辛料、グリーンピース、ギー (バターオイル)、生姜ペースト、食塩、 ひまわり油、クミン、コリアンダーリーフ、グリーンチリ、フェネグリークリーフ、砂糖(一部に乳成分、カシューナッツを含む)
    内容量 300g

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