Samyang Gamjamyeon 120g
"Gamja" means "potato" in Japanese.
Gamjamyeon is made by kneading potato starch into the noodles, giving them a smooth, chewy texture with no friction.
The soup, which is flavored with light vegetable flavor, goes perfectly with the chewy noodles that are unique to gamjamyeon!
Pickup available at 千歳船橋店
We deliver room temperature, refrigerated and frozen products separately.
Please note that we will ship the same order separately.
"Gamja" means "potato" in Japanese.
Gamjamyeon is made by kneading potato starch into the noodles, giving them a smooth, chewy texture with no friction.
The soup, which is flavored with light vegetable flavor, goes perfectly with the chewy noodles that are unique to gamjamyeon!
Samyang Gamjamyeon 120g
原材料名 | 油揚げめん(じゃがいもでん粉、小麦粉、植物油脂、小麦グルテン、食塩)、スープ(粉末しょうゆ、食塩、砂糖、オニオンパウダー、酵母パウダー、コーンシロップ加工品、大根粉末、酵母エキスパウダー、こしょう、唐辛子、植物油脂、ごま粉末)、かやく(玉ねぎ、チャイブ、にんじん、しいたけ、唐辛子加工品)/増粘剤(グァーガム)、調味料(アミノ酸等)、かんすい、香辛料抽出物、乳化剤、着色料(カラメル、パプリカ色素、V.B2)、香料、酸化防止剤(V.E、カテキン)、pH調整剤、酸味料、甘味料(ステビア、キシロース)、微粒二酸化ケイ素、(一部に小麦・乳成分・大豆・ごまを含む) |
内容量 | 120g |
標準栄養成分 | 熱量 (1食あたり) 522kcal たんぱく質 12.0g 脂質 18.0g 炭水化物 78.0g 食塩相当量 5.0g |
アレルゲン情報 | 小麦、乳成分、ごま、大豆 |