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    Bak Kut Teh 280g supervised by Bak Kut Teh

    ¥698 (税込)
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    Supervised by Chef Ellen, owner of the long-established Malaysian restaurant in Ogikubo. The store's most popular menu item, "Bakkotcha", is reproduced in a retort pouch. Uses domestically produced spare ribs. The raw materials for herbal medicine were purchased from Tokiwa Kampo Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., who cooperated in the development. We also contain a composite plant extract that is an original blend of 10 Japanese and Chinese herbs that have been verified using various analytical data and have passed our company standards.

    Pickup available at 千歳船橋店

    Regarding delivery

    We deliver room temperature, refrigerated and frozen products separately.
    Please note that we will ship the same order separately.

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    Supervised by Chef Ellen, owner of the long-established Malaysian restaurant in Ogikubo. The store's most popular menu item, "Bakkotcha", is reproduced in a retort pouch. Uses domestically produced spare ribs. The raw materials for herbal medicine were purchased from Tokiwa Kampo Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., who cooperated in the development. We also contain a composite plant extract that is an original blend of 10 Japanese and Chinese herbs that have been verified using various analytical data and have passed our company standards.

    Bak Kut Teh 280g supervised by Bak Kut Teh

    ¥698 (税込)


    原材料名 だし汁(アマドコロの根、ガーリックパウダー、スターアニス、シナモン、みかんの皮、フェンネル、ナツメパウダー、山椒、ブラックペッパー、ホワイトペッパー、クローブ、甘草パウダー)(国内製造)、豚肉、しいたけ、醤油、おろしにんにく、たん白加水分解物、食塩、黒砂糖、ブラックペッパー、植物抽出物(高麗人参、紅花、みかんの皮、ナツメ、桂皮、霊芝、クコの実、ウイキョウ、菊花、甘草)、酵母エキス、クコの実、(一部に小麦・豚肉・大豆を含む)
    内容量 280g
    標準栄養成分 エネルギー451kcal、タンパク質12.1g、脂質42.9g、炭水化物4.1g、食塩2.8g

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