タピオカ澱粉が皮に使われていて、文字通りもちもちなんです。小麦粉だけが好きな方もいらっしゃいますので、一概にどちらが美味しいとは言えないのですが、売上的にはこちらのタピオカに軍配が上がりました。 ベトナムのフォーにはタピオカが入っていることが多く、タイのクイッティアオは米粉だけのことが多いですが、どちらが好きなのかは好みの問題で、水餃子も同じかと。
Frozen Mochi Mochi Sansen Boiled Dumplings (with Shrimp) 1kg
These soft and chewy boiled dumplings are made in Shandong Province, the home of boiled dumplings. They are made with a pork base and are filled with plump shrimp.
It may seem like a large amount, but it's enough for one meal for a family of four.
Just put it in boiling water and when it floats, it's ready to eat. You can simply dip it in black vinegar and eat it, or it's perfect as an ingredient in hot pot.
If you have any left over, you can make fried dumplings.
定番中の定番、一番スタンダードな豚肉の水餃子です。商品名がそそりますよね。老は、「老舗の」「伝統ある」「オーセンティックな」という意味です。 「山東」は中国で水餃子の故郷、本場として知られている山東省のこと。「家郷味」は地元のローカルな美味しい味というニュアンス。 これだけでもそそられますが、「鮮肉」とフレッシュさを畳み掛けてきます。美味しくないわけがないです。
Frozen Laoshan Dongjia flavor fresh pork soup dumplings 1kg
This is the most basic pork dumpling made in Shandong Province, the home of boiled dumplings.
It may seem like a large amount, but it's about one meal for a family of four.
It's so convenient that you can just put it in boiling water and when it floats, you can eat it right away. You can simply dip it in black vinegar to make it crunchy, and it's also perfect as an ingredient in hot pot dishes.
この組み合わせが好きではない人はなかなかいないですよね。 豚肉とエビのハーモニーが素晴らしい一品です。
Frozen Mochi Mochi Sansen Boiled Dumplings (with Shrimp) 1kg
These soft and chewy boiled dumplings are made in Shandong Province, the home of boiled dumplings. They are made with a pork base and are filled with plump shrimp.
It may seem like a large amount, but it's enough for one meal for a family of four.
Just put it in boiling water and when it floats, it's ready to eat. You can simply dip it in black vinegar and eat it, or it's perfect as an ingredient in hot pot.
If you have any left over, you can make fried dumplings.
シャンツァイ、つまりパクチーが入った水餃子です。 20年程前まで日本では大多数から好かれていなかった(と断言しても良いような)パクチーですが、すっかり市民権を得ました。
Frozen Shandong Kana soup dumplings 1kg
Boiled dumplings with cilantro made in Shandong Province, the home of boiled dumplings.
Coriander has already become a part of daily life in Japan and has become an indispensable ingredient. Naturally, this product has been extremely popular since its introduction as a new product.
It may seem like a large amount, but it's about one meal for a family of four.
It's so convenient that you can just put it in boiling water and when it floats, you can eat it right away. You can simply dip it in black vinegar to make it crunchy, and it's also perfect as an ingredient in hot pot dishes.
夏にデビューしたばかりなのに早くも5位にランクインしたのが、このセロリ入り水餃子。豚肉のこってり感とセロリの爽やかな香りと食感が非常に合います。 芹菜(セロリ)は中国料理と大変相性が良いですが、餃子の皮の中でその美味しさを証明しているのがこの水餃子です。
Frozen Shandong celery soup dumplings 1kg
These are popular boiled dumplings with celery made in Shandong Province, the home of boiled dumplings. In China, there are many dishes that use celery very well, and this product also adds celery, which would be a little boring if it was just pork, greatly increasing the texture and flavor. This product has been extremely popular since its introduction as a new product.
It may seem like a large amount, but it's about one meal for a family of four.
It's so convenient that you can just put it in boiling water and when it floats, you can eat it right away. You can simply dip it in black vinegar to make it crunchy, and it's also perfect as an ingredient in hot pot dishes.
ウイキョウ、つまりフェンネルが入っています。 フェンネルが登場すると東北地方から西域にかけての文化を感じますね。 中国の方にうかがうと、「地方に関係なく広まり愛されている味」だそうです。確かに美味しそうですもんね、フェンネルが入ると。
Frozen Fennel Dumplings
Frozen ウイキョウ水餃子は、中国では定番の家庭料理。ウイキョウ(フェンネル)の独特な風味がたっぷり詰まった水餃子は、一度食べたらクセになる美味しさです。
中国の水餃子にはニンニクが入りませんが、ニラは好まれています。 開店当時からの定番です。
Frozen Shandong chive soup dumplings with egg 1kg (Chicken chicken egg soup dumplings)
These boiled egg and chive dumplings are made in Shandong Province, the home of boiled dumplings. It has a very light texture and you can put it in as much as you want.
It may seem like a large amount, but it's about one meal for a family of four.
It's so convenient that you can just put it in boiling water and when it floats, you can eat it right away. You can simply dip it in black vinegar to make it crunchy, and it's also perfect as an ingredient in hot pot dishes.
一番最近デビューしたにも関わらず、早くも8位にランクイン。中国の方にとっては定番の水餃子だそうです。 ナズナは鉄分やマンガンを多く含み、また、血圧降下作用もあると言われているそうです。
Frozen Shandong Shepherd's Purse Dumplings